World Vision Australia’s theme for their 1986 40 Hour Famine project was “Now is the time!” so we wrote a song. David Smallbone, ‘iDeA’s manager, has always been closely associated with overseas aid charities and still supports Compassion on tour around the world with his sons and daughter.
This 12” single/EP was produced by Randall Waller, who led AVION and later was guitarist with Shania Twain around the world for many years. It was recorded in a Sydney radio studio with friend Wyn Wynyrd tweaking the knobs.
We loved the process as it was a much bigger production than we had experienced up until then. It was great to include 3 more songs from our ever expanding repertoire. Unfortunately, it was near the end of ‘iDeA’.
We also went into a TV studio and shot a Music Video to promote the 40 Hour Famine and single but it didn’t ruffle any feathers.