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Mighty God ~ Gerry Holmes family & friends


During the mid 1980’s while working as a groundsman at Norwood Primary School in Adelaide, I was inspired by the need for fun and meaningful songs for kids. I wrote the songs for “Mighty God” album with help from my friend Stephen Daughtry, my wife Jo, and our kids Xavier and Amy.


The songs are about God, Jesus and other stuff. They also tell stories of a runaway sausage roll called “Frank”, a bird puppet exploring his free will, being swept out by a rip in the ocean and even imagining dying and going to heaven. “Just Six Days” owes a big shout out to an unknown song by Mal Graetz. “General Cleanup” was a spinoff of an advertisement of a now forgotten (by me) Adelaide cleanup company. “Mighty God” is of course referencing Isaiah and was written because we needed a song for our lunchtime Christian club at Norwood Primary School.


“I'm Diff'rent” has been used in ads in the US and Brazil. It was written for the child of dear family friends when he came to realise that he was “different” to the other people in his life. Yep, and this album is a bit different, too. The tone of the album is playful, cheeky and sometimes poignant. 

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